Leave it to the French to make medical stockings sexy!

As many of you know, I disappeared for a while for health reasons, but I’m back now… back with a bang!

At my age, or pretty much any age, I don’t think anyone likes to be told that they need to wear medical stockings, perhaps for their entire life, in addition to medications.  I sat there as my doctor explained some of the benefits of these medical stockings and how they would help keep my blood pressure from dropping so rapidly.

Immediately, I imagined those horrible thick opaque nude colored stockings and thought, God help me… actually, God help my poor sweet man who will have to look at me!  For goodness sake, it wasn’t bad enough that I was walking around with a cane; now I have to wear these things?  Then, the optimist in me shined through and I thought, at least I’m not dying!  Somehow a little giggle even escaped me.

I dragged my feet a little, so to speak, and let one week go by and then another, but knew in my heart that I truly needed to take that step… literally.  I brought my prescription to the pharmacy, telling myself to suck it up and just deal with it.  The pharmacist took one look at my prescription and said, “Follow me for your fitting.”

A fitting? What on earth was she talking about?  I need a fitting?  Okay, I must admit, I am obviously clueless.  I followed her to the “fitting room.”  I had no idea there was even a fitting room at this pharmacy and I have been going to the same one for over six years!

The pharmacist measured the length of my legs, as well as the measurement around my upper thigh, calf and lower ankle area.  With a, “Wow, you are thin… I think we will need to order your size.”  As I was dreading the idea of having to wear medical stockings, I didn’t mind the idea of waiting and I must admit that I was rather amused by all of the fuss.

It was at this moment that the Pharmacist asked me which style and color I would like.   There’s a kind?  Once again, my cluelessness was more than obvious.  The pharmacist saw my puzzled face and pointed me in the direction of the manikin legs, all displayed in a row.  My eyes opened with surprise… those are medical stockings?

There was a row of medical stockings on manikin legs, in an array of colors, all thigh highs with gorgeous lace at the top.  Those are medical stockings?  They ranged from opaque to transparent.  I immediately thought; leave it to the French to make medical stockings so sexy!

All I can only say is that if you need medical stockings today, times have obviously changed (and I hope not only in France)!  While mentioning my need to wear medical stockings with my French friends, both male and female, they all immediately said, “That man of yours is one lucky guy!”  Obviously, I was indeed clueless.  Who would have thought medical stockings could be so sexy?  A great big thank you to, “Sigvaris – Les Intemporelles Diaphane.”  You made a sick woman not only feel better, but made me look good at the same time!   Good-bye to my oh so ‘trendy’ foldable flowered cane that made all of the old folks jealous with envy.  Hello to sexy medical stockings!

I'm wearing those sexy stockings in this photo. I know, I'm a little shy - this is about as close a shot as you will get.
I’m wearing the “sexy” medical stockings in this photo.
I know, I’m a little shy. This is about as close a shot as you will get!


24 thoughts on “Leave it to the French to make medical stockings sexy!

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    1. Thank you, Josie. Thank goodness I haven’t lost my sense of humor in all of this. Now that would indeed be something to complain about! 😉 Glad I could make you laugh. You just made my day! 🙂


  1. Glad to hear you’re back and feeling all better. And wow, thought this surprised me, it does sound like “leave it to the French…” applies to nearly everything that gets a sexy makeover 😉


    1. Thank you, Estrella! It feels good to be up and around again.
      I agree! There is definitely something true about the, “leave it to the French…” when it applies to them making most anything sexy. hehehe 😉


  2. Formidable! And let me add that I love French Pharmacies too. I twisted my ankle very badly during a trip to The City of Light, but the Pharmacists were all just terrific. They gave me excellent care. Leave it to the French indeed.

    And Merry Christmas!


    1. Thank you, Paul! So glad that you liked my post and that you could relate to my experience. I guess if you have to twist an ankle… Paris is indeed an interesting place to do it! 😉 Glad you were treated as well as I was. Happy holidays to you, too! Much happiness in 2013!


      1. Liked your post a lot. Yes, the Parisian pharmacy was great! Hope you are feeling great. Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2013 to you too!


  3. Reblogged this on @i_Love91org – Superpositoire… and commented:
    This is one post I can identify with. Well done to Bellanda for treating it in a positive way. Me too, I’m relatively young, well… err… early 40’s and I was told the same thing by my Doctor… a lifer for me too…


    1. Thank you, John. Sorry you have to go through the same thing… at our age, we DEFINITELY need to find the positive. 😉 I just keep telling myself, hey, things could always be worse … then look at my little angels and smile at the thought that life is beautiful.

      That said, I must admit… somehow I don’t think they make men’s stockings as sexy as they do for women. 😉

      Thank you for the Re-blog! You are my first! 🙂 Now that is something to celebrate. 🙂

      Glad to have you here in my blogging world… Catch you in one of the many social media places we have both set up.


      1. Things can be up and down with the health issues – in fact I’m stable now, but I’m having to fight to stay happy. The kids have helped more than I could possibly explain there… Without them it would be a lot harder.
        I just bought two new pairs of sexy socks… as sexy black pair and wait for it… sexy BEIGE… The latter colour are mainly for the Summer months but even so I feel a bit self conscious showing them off! LOL

        I would like to reblog this post to my proper blog – but it seems that I can’t as WordPress is saying to itself that the article has already been reblogged… Ah well… there’s always something that doesn’t work as it should online… 🙂


  4. At our local pharmacy the medical socks are on display in the window and there are so many of them the whole window is full of plastic half legs with different coloured socks of all sizes on. When Edin was wee, he understood there was meat in a butcher ‘s window because it’s the shop where you buy meat, magazines in the newsagent’s window because it’s the hop where you buy magazines and comics, so he concluded that the pharmacy had to be the shop where you buy broken legs LOL! So to this day we still call our pharmacy the broken legs shop. I used to wear them when I was pregnant, and I thought they really helped, especially when the weather was hot and my legs swelled a lot (although wearing socks in Marseille in August isn’t ideal) so much so that I called them my magic socks.

    The thing is after my pregnancy the doctor told me socks weren’t good for me because my swollen veins were around my knees and wearing magic socks could even make it worse : I had to wear magic stockings. Stockings ? Who ? me ? NEVER !

    So I wonder: how do you, gentlemen, do when you have swollen veins around or above your knee ? Do you have to wear sexy stockings too ? Do they make them in man’s size ? Or is there another solution ?


    1. LOL Thank you for sharing your story, Izzy. You’ve made me smile… it seems perfectly normal to me that your son Edin would conclude what he did. I love the idea of calling the pharmacy, ‘the broken legs shop.’ I’m sure my little ones would get a kick out of that!

      From what I have seen of the men’s medical stockings, although I have only seen knee highs… they aren’t as sexy as what we get to have as women. I wonder… do sexy men’s stockings even exist? If so… I want to see them! LOL

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and for your comments. They are greatly appreciated. I hope to be seeing you around in the blogging world again soon.

      Best wishes.


  5. Hi Bellanda,

    I reblogged this but… onto the wrong blog (I run 4)… Now WordPress won’t let me reblog this at all… ARRGGH!!!

    Anyway, just wanted to hi-light this as I’m also a wearer of “sexy socks” for life… 🙂



    1. lol You sound like me… don’t even ask how many FB Pages I have! In addition, I am in the process of creating a second blog to feature my oil paintings and one of a kind film photography. 😉

      No worries… just nice to see you here! Thank you.


      1. I have two FB pages which to be honest I don’t update that much. Plus 4 blogs here on WordPress. One personal blog, two about the region I live in and one about any work I do/photography… the latter one needs a lot of work!

        I like interacting with fellow bloggers rather than on FB. 🙂


        1. I like Twitter, Facebook, etc, but find blogging gives us all so much more opportunity for a real exchange… although relatively new at this, I am surprised at how much I am enjoying it.

          Again, thank you for being on my blogging journey with me.


          1. Don’t like Facebook… left it alone for a few months but it seems if you aren’t on it then people don’t stay in contact…


  6. I’ve just discovered your blog and am enjoying going through your archives.

    I can really relate to this post, because I too have medical stockings. Don’t feel bad about having them, I’m 30 and I needed them!

    I also was amused when I went to the pharmacy to get them. The pharmacist took me in the back room and when the fitting was done, she gave me a calf message! It was too pleasurable for me to be shocked.

    Even though I have plain black stockings, my French husband also finds them very sexy!


    1. Welcome and thank you for not only your kind words about my blog, but for sharing your story with us. Apparently, our French men are lucky we need medical stockings. Who would have thought medical stockings could be sexy?
      That said, I must add that perhaps I need to change pharmacies… I never got a leg massage! lol
      Thank you again for stopping by my blog & for taking the time to comment. Blogs are much more fun when we can interact with each other. 🙂
      All the best to you.


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